Why My Water Heater Goes Bump in the Night
December 4, 2011 Troubleshooter

Water heater.Hard water leaves deposits everywhere it travels. It contains mineral deposits such as calcium. These deposits can build up on the walls inside of a water heater. If this happens, a water heater can be very noisy, even scary when you hear a loud “Bang” in the middle of the night and don’t know where it is coming from. 

The most common cause of a water heater crackling and popping is from using a lot of hot water in a short time frame. Running a dish washer, doing laundry, and taking a hot shower close together is a combination that will get your water heater fired up. As the fire creates heat, air bubbles inside the mineral deposits pop or burst, creating a variety of strange noises.

If your water heater is going bump in the night call us to come out and look at it. You might need a brand new water heater. However, only an experienced qualified plumber can make that determination with certainty. Gary’s Quality Plumbing will let you know with confidence whether or not you need replacement, or just repair. Keep peace of mind, day and night, and call us at (972) 424-6479.

photo credit: Danny Skinner

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