Archive for water heater repair

Can Your Water Heater Be Repaired?

If your water heater is not very old and it’s not doing its job, it might need an easy repair instead of a costly replacement. Let’s think about common problems you may encounter:  Read More→

Why My Water Heater Goes Bump in the Night

Water heater.Hard water leaves deposits everywhere it travels. It contains mineral deposits such as calcium. These deposits can build up on the walls inside of a water heater. If this happens, a water heater can be very noisy, even scary when you hear a loud “Bang” in the middle of the night and don’t know where it is coming from.  Read More→

Spring is Time for Shower Repair Projects

Spring is Time For Shower Repair. Spring is here and its time to take care of those projects around your home. While you may be able to easily deal with some issues, some projects are better left to a professional. Shower repair is one of those projects that is best when left to a licensed and reliable plumber.

How can you tell what aspect of the shower needs repair? Read More→