Archive for Toilets

Plumbing Woes Can Ruin Your Holiday Fun

With the onset of fall, we want to remind you that we are heading for the inevitable colder weather! Don’t let freezing water catch you by surprise. North Texas typically won’t freeze over for a couple more weeks, so we’ve got time to take some preventative measures that can save a lot of money in the long run.

  • Now is the time to make sure you don’t have any leaking hose bibs. (outdoor faucets)
  • Remember to remove your hoses before a freeze to prevent costly repairs.
  • Styrofoam caps or other covering will protect your hose bib from cracking under a freeze.
  • Leave your pool running before, during, and just after a freeze.
  • Consider getting your waste lines cleaned out before holiday entertaining.

Enjoy your beautiful autumn days, and take advantage of this friendlier time of year to get around your house and check out the state of things. Get a game plan together so you’re not caught off guard when it gets nasty outside!

Related Article: Plumbing Woes Can Ruin Your Holiday Fun

Allen And Dallas Are Replacing Toilets!

Dallas residents, listen up! Customers of Dallas Water Utility that have wanted a toilet replacement may qualify for the New Throne For The Home Toilet Voucher Program. That’s right, DWU is offering $90 a piece to encourage you to replace your existing older model toilet with a newer, low-flush, or high-efficiency model toilet.

Now Allen is joining the movement with it’s H2OME Improvement Rebate Program, offering $100 towards replacement if you qualify.

Toilets installed in homes before 1985 use between 5-7 gallons of water per flush. That’s an amazing amount of water. Even if those were eventually replaced, the toilets installed before 1991 were still using 3.5 gallons of water each time they were flushed.  Not only will replacing those toilets help keep your water bill reasonable, but the impact on our water supply will be directly impacted. Low-flush toilets use significantly less, at 1.6 /gal. and if you go for the high-efficiency, you’ll be looking at 1.3/ gal.

Not everyone will qualify, but many will. Contact Gary’s Quality Plumbing at 972-424-6479, to take a look at your situation and see what solution will work best for you. Toilet replacements are limited to 2 per household in Dallas, and once the applications are filled out and approved, you can present your voucher for use immediately.

Allen residents are encouraged to have their applications postmarked by September 15 to ensure they qualify for this fiscal period, but will be able to apply in person up to September 22. Allen will reimburse up to $100 on the first toilet installed by a liscensed plumber, $75 for the second, and $50 for the third, each in different bathrooms.

Make sure you fill out all appropriate applications in the links provided. (Links no longer valid and removed)

Dallas Toilet Replacement Program

Did you get in on the program? Tell us what you think!