Evidence of a Plumbing Leak in Your Yard

Yard leak repairMost people don’t think about having a plumbing leak in their yard until it is happening to them. Typically a homeowner will see evidence that soil is being eroded in a puddle, developing somewhere between their main water supply and the main valve assembly for their sprinkler system.
The black flow preventer keeps water from getting back into the main water supply from the sprinkler line.85-90% of all yard leaks happen as a result of poorly implemented sprinkler system designs. A poorly designed sprinkler system will undoubtedly have too much stress at one or more of their joints. If pipe is not properly measured or oriented to make the next connection, the installation of the fittings can’t be done per code. This will cause stress to the sprinkler system parts, components, and the main yard line.

When we do a yard leak repair we make sure that everything gets dug far enough back so that there is no undue stress on the pipe. Once the repair is finished the majority of the joints will have been completed with copper and solder. This will make a much more permanent solution than the compression units that are normally found to fill this need.

If you notice a higher than normal water bill or a soggy spot in your yard, chances are you have a yard leak. Give us a call at 972-424-6479 and one of our plumbers will come out to assess the situation.

Photo Credit: Danny Skinner

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