Simple Repairs Save BIG Money!

Simple plumbing repairs like fixing leaks will save you money!Drip, drip, drip goes the faucet … and money just continually moves from your back pocket right into the coffers at the utility department. It’s no secret that simple plumbing repairs like stopping those drips saves you money, but often people have no idea how much.

The truth is, those annoying drips account for HUNDREDS of dollars a year in the home and HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of wasted gallons a year. The average homeowner could purchase a used car for their teenager for what may be wasted each year in the home. (Ask me how I know!)

Easy, Cost Effective Plumbing Repairs

For instance, the flapper in your toilet – that rubbery lid at the bottom of your tank – becomes built up with minerals and actually decays. Replacing an old flapper is an easy way to save hundreds of dollars a year.

Using a kitchen faucet aerator is another way you can save. Aerators introduce air into the stream, causing the water to spray evenly while YOU save water by reducing the splash.

All those drips add up. Here are some additional posts you might enjoy, and if you do – why not share them with your friends on Facebook?

Repair or Replace – How to Decide

Fixing Failing Faucets is Just Good Stewardship

The Real Cost of Ignored Shower Leaks

Stop That Plumbing Leak


  1. I’m amazed that small leaks can waste so much money. It really goes to show that any dripping faucets or pipes should be fixed immediately. Even if the problem isn’t something you can fix yourself, hiring a plumbing service to repair a leak may still cost less than letting the leak go on for months. Thanks for the article, and for the tips about replacing old flappers and using a kitchen faucet aerator.

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