Plumbing Myths
September 26, 2011 Spending Wisely

Myths about Plumbing.

Truth or Myth? – As with anything involving popular opinion and professional know how inconsistencies exist.

Many times a person might think they know how to handle a situation based on what they have been told and not by personal experience. We will address three common myths in this article:  

  1. Myth: Older commodes out-perform low-flow commodes.
    Truth: New 1.2 gallon per flush commodes perform as well or better than the old water hogs. When lower water consumption commodes were first introduced the designs were not efficient and customers had to flush at least twice to clear the bowl.
  2. Myth: Drains should be cleaned out only when there is a blockage and the drain is no longer functioning.
    Truth: Drains should be cleaned out at least once a year for preventative maintenance.
  3. Myth:  Lawn watering needs to be done for at least 30 minutes, per zone, per day.
    Truth: This is a wasteful practice. Most of the water will run off. Watering deeply but less frequently is the best way to ensure a healthy lawn. A total lawn watering of 15 minutes every other day is plenty of water to maintain a healthy green lawn.

There are many common myths out there. We are happy to share the truth or bust those plumbing myths. Check back often for an updated list and if you are in need of a qualified, licensed, professional plumber give us a call. (972) 424-6479


Photo Credit: Danny Skinner

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