How To React To Gas Leak Emergencies
February 4, 2013 Gas Leaks

A gas line leak is dangerous.We all like to think we’d know how to react if we were to recognize a gas leak. Surely we’d smell it, right? Well, don’t be confident about that. It’s wise to periodically go around your home and property just to check for that odor. Even moreso, go out of your way to check on the elderly in your neighborhoods, your parents and grandparents, too.

Gary’s Quality Plumbing does gas line installation and repair, so we’re very familiar with safety measures as we work. I can tell you this, we saved lives last week.

Gas Leaking – Telltale Odor

Danny was down in Dallas to install a new gas water heater. During the install, he removed a metal plate screwed to the floor to get to pipes that ran through the crawl space. He had to get into that area to work, and as he got in a more confined area, the smell of gas was undeniable. The homeowner said she had noticed that odor for 2-3 days already!

Emergency Procedures for a Gas Leak

Danny called the gas company immediately. The minute the technician walked in the house, the gas detector went off like crazy. They shut the gas off at the meter. Our dear customers would have been on the evening news if the leak was not detected and there was an explosion. All we could think about was if these people could miss the smell of gas in their home for that long, others could, too. We’re all human, and unless we’re reminded of these things, it’s possible to shrug off a legitimate concern. We wanted to bring this to you right away.

It all turned out well, Danny left the metal plate off that opening and let everything air out overnight. Then he went back for the repair.

A Gas Leak Smell Can Be Serious

We want people to be alert to the odor of gas and realize it is a serious situation if there is a leak.

Here’s what you need to know if you encounter the smell of gas in or around your home, or someone you care about. Remember, we get used to odors over time and it’s easy to miss once we’ve been exposed for awhile.

  • Call the gas company at once.
  • Do NOT operate a light switch, or
  • Anything else that might cause a spark and cause an explosion.

Once the gas company turns everything off, give us a call and we’ll come out and repair the problem. Don’t let it wait! Call 972-424-6479 and get it taken care of right away.

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