Don’t Water Down The Facts
March 20, 2012 Plumbing Repair

Bathroom fixtures.Plumbers see a lot of water use, and a lot of waste. We hear toilets leaking and cycling water on and off, we get asked to remove the flow restrictors out of shower heads so people stop complaining about inadequate water spray. We recognize when irrigation systems or water hoses spew run-off onto sidewalks, alleys and streets.

We see water wastefulness all the time because most of the population is still unconcerned with the value of our water and why we need to be good stewards with our resources. 

The surface of the earth is 70% covered with water, yet only around 2.1 percent of it is freshwater. Out of that, we haven’t taken into account the unavailable water due to the water cycle itself and water polluted beyond its ability to be cleaned up and reused.

If you’re still unconvinced that water matters, consider the human body’s need for it. Your body might survive eight weeks without solid food or only four minutes without air, but you’re only going to get three to five days without water.

Your blood is 83% water and lungs are 90% water. Over 60% of your human body is made up of water. If you’re not going to live three to five days without it, and recognize that the earth has almost three times as many people as 1930 but creating seventeen times as much demand – maybe it’s time to start working together to make a little more sense out of how we use our potable water. Maybe just adding it mindlessly to sewer systems that could be toxic beyond our recognition in hopes that we ‘clean it up enough’ to reuse it does matter after all.

Please contact Gary’s Quality Plumbing at 972-424-6479 to schedule what may seem to be insignificant repairs. It all matters, and you can reduce how much you waste when you start to see where it’s going. We can help.

Have you made any changes to your routine as a result of Fix a Leak Week? Have we done a repair for you that’s resulted in using less water and getting a lower water bill? Tell us about it here or on our Facebook page!

Learn more in these posts:

The Real Cost of Ignored Shower Leaks

Fixing Failing Faucets is Just Good Stewardship

Water Leak Detection: Stop That Plumbing Leak

"4" Comments
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