Beware Using Chemicals to Unclog Drains
February 7, 2012 Home Safety

Sometimes it makes sense to use an anti-clog chemical like Drano or others to get the water moving again, but there are some things you need to know.

Master Plumber Gary Skinner and great-granddaughter.For one thing, not all of the chemicals are just the same thing in different packaging. These are dangerous for many reasons, one is the caustic nature of the chemicals themselves. If more than one agent is used on one clogged drain, several bad things can potentially happen. 

This stuff goes down drains and eventually into water treatment facilities, and there isn’t a guarantee that it will be removed from drinking water. They do what they can, but let’s face it, if they can’t get all the medications that get poured down drains out of our drinking water, there’s little chance that these caustic chemicals can be completely removed either.

Our biggest concern with these agents is the safety of our valuable plumbers. Our son, Steve, recently went on a call to unclog a drain after hours. He wasn’t told that someone had already tried a chemical agent, and when he poured a drain treatment in that is normally safe,  poisonous gases resulted. It took him several hours to get his breathing normalized and his sinuses and throat were irritated, too.

We’re glad that’s all the worse the situation was, and that Steve immediately knew what had happened and how to deal with it. What if a resident gets into this trouble with no understanding of what’s happening? Or a child is in the room? If you use a drain cleaning chemical, please remember to always tell the person who will be home when the plumber gets there, and by all means, never pour a second chemical in while you wait!

Thirdly, pipes corrode. They probably won’t corrode where you would notice it easily, either. Chances of corrosion are more likely to happen between the house and the street sewer. Those areas are constantly bombarded with refuse and chemicals from the inside, but they are also potentially pressed by poorly-laid cement casings, rocks, tree roots or just the very tough clay soil native to north central Texas. Over time, those worn pipes can result in pretty devastating leaks.

Please take extra precautions if you decide to use a drain cleaning agent, and remember the safety of your family and your plumber!

"5" Comments
  1. Ola! Garysqualityplumbing,
    Speaking of which, Let’s face it. A house needs drains in order to have a fully functioning path system for those unwanted liquids we use up in our bathrooms. Because of this, it is nearly impossible that a drain would not experience at least one clogging problem. Whenever this type of problem arises, it is a must that the we, as owners of the households, are aware of the proper steps that need to be taken in order to ensure that our drains would be fully functional for a well-maintained drainage system.
    Keep up the good work

  2. Excellent article and easy to understand explanation. How do I go about getting permission to post part of the article in my upcoming news letter? Giving proper credit to you the author and link to the site would not be a problem.

  3. These days, there are alternatives that you can choose from so that you do not have to opt for hazardous chemicals when unclogging drains. Toxic chemicals pose health threats to everyone and this should not be encouraged as a de-clogging method anymore.

  4. Absolutely, thank you for chiming in.

  5. What I learned over the years is that in every toxic solution, there is always a more organic or safer one, and I always opt for that. So, when it comes to clogs, I’d go for Baking soda, vinegar, and boiling water.

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