Archive for toilet installation – Page 2

Losing Too Much Water Down Your Toilet:

Plumbing Solutions That Work

Dog rose leaves covered with frost in Sweden.There are a lot of community incentives for replacing your toilet. Plumbing advice used to be, “Don’t install low-flush toilets or you’ll get what you asked for, and you won’t like it!”  Nowadays, those toilets actually work pretty well, and you should consider the savings advantages a little more closely.

Last year, the cities of Dallas, Plano, and Allen all offered financial incentives to conserve water through low-flush toilet replacement. The incentives varied slightly, but basically put a dollar figure on a voucher towards the toilets themselves, or a reimbursement on your water bill. Like last year, we’ll keep you posted on the programs that will help you get the replacements you need.

Several low-flush options are on the market now. They offer different levels of water use per flush. Get a toilet that isn’t built for volume and you could have a problem on your hands. When they aren’t built well, the slow flush and clogs are frequent and annoying. I don’t believe you use less water when you flush over and over, or need to have a clean out performed weekly.

Instead, contact us to learn our current recommendations. There are cost variables, of course, but also performance variables – and you need to know what will be the best value for your circumstance.

Don’t flush money down the toilet. Plumbing advice can be very beneficial. 972-424-6479

Get Your Projects Done Before Company Arrives!

Holiday entertaining with family.Don’t wait till the last minute to schedule those projects. Pretty soon you’ll want to concentrate on your anticipated company and leaving the home for holiday parties. Let’s get you on the schedule before you need to worry about all of that!

It looks like the economy is improving a little. Our customers are starting to call for things that make entertaining at home easier, like better toilets, nicer new faucets, and larger sink fixtures and hot water heaters. Some even call for newer garbage disposals or gas line installation for new cooktops.

Whatever you need to make entertaining more pleasant, you can count on us for reliable installation at a fair price by professional, licensed and insured plumbers, family men who want to do a good job for you. Call us today to get on the schedule. 972-424-6479