Archive for environment

Repair or Replace: How To Decide

If it’s not broke, don’t fix it, right? But what if it’s ‘kind of broke’ – needing a new part that matches the older model specs? These questions hit every homeowner at one time or another. The debate is really over lifetime costs versus initial costs.  Read More→

Don’t Water Down The Facts

Bathroom fixtures.Plumbers see a lot of water use, and a lot of waste. We hear toilets leaking and cycling water on and off, we get asked to remove the flow restrictors out of shower heads so people stop complaining about inadequate water spray. We recognize when irrigation systems or water hoses spew run-off onto sidewalks, alleys and streets.

We see water wastefulness all the time because most of the population is still unconcerned with the value of our water and why we need to be good stewards with our resources.  Read More→