Archive for Community Incentives – Page 2

City of Plano Offers Conservation Rebate Program

City of Plano residents, as of March 1, 2010 a new water conservation rebate program has gone into effect for homeowners in good standing with their water utility account. To meet the new requirements, items eligible for rebate must be purchased inside the City of Plano. This program is great for homeowners with rental properties as well, as long as that address is also in good standing. Commercial buildings are not eligible at this time

The City of Plano reserves the right to terminate or modify the water conservation rebate program at any time. For more information, go directly to the City of Plano Web site at this link and check this out for yourself. There is so much more to read on this subject, from rain barrels to high efficiency toilets.

As always, Gary’s Quality Plumbing is happy to install your new fixtures in compliance with the incentive. When we all do our part, we take one step closer to living responsible lifestyles.

Additional information at