Just How Available is Gary’s Quality Plumbing?

Ever wonder if you can count on us after-hours? Well, we’re not an emergency service company, but we are a family-owned and compassionate company – and we thought we should let you know how much you mean to us.
Generally speaking, our last call at the end of the day ends when we can reasonably finish a call. We do finish service calls most days. Some types of things, however, need to be handled to a stopping point and then finished the next day. We are happy to provide work for our employees that allows for our family values, but occasionally we have to extend our hours to accommodate a situation that comes up. And we’re happy to do it!

We normally close for weekends and holidays, but we’ll help with major emergencies that cannot wait until the next business day. We check our voicemail frequently so we can handle these problems. However, we may only be able to advise on how to temporarily shut down malfunctioning equipment as our suppliers are closed the same days as well.

We hope this helps you understand how we help you even though we’re not considered an emergency service company. There are advantages to working with a smaller family business!

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