Archive for sewer leaks

Tell-tale Signs of Foundation Problems in Texas

A crack between bricks is one tell-tale sign of foundation problems in Texas.The weather is heating up and we’ve had lots of rain. This can cause our soil to shift and cause foundation problems in Texas. If the soil is too wet or too dry, keep a close eye on your home’s foundation.

A shift in foundation can cause serious problems including gas, sewer, and water leaks. If pipes are not properly protected during installation they can be in weakened state from being exposed to the elements. Over time the metal of the pipe will be eaten away by rust and corrosion causing the pipe to snap when the foundation shifts. Read More→

Keep Your Foundation Watered to Protect Your Investment

The last couple of months have been dry again, and we want you to know that watering your foundation protects it from some of the shrinking and hardening that can impact the plumbing inside your home. Read More→