Archive for Plano water bills

Out of Sight, Out of Mind?

Plumbing repair service Plano reminds you that access is beneath this beautiful landscaping.
We all like to have our yards look great. It’s almost a competition, right?  As soon as we have a reasonably cool day, we roll up our sleeves, put on our bug spray and gloves – and start to tackle those overgrown flower beds. Here in TX we are also raking leaves just about any time of the year. So what does this possibly have to do with plumbing? Read More→

5 Things You Can Do Today To Save Money During Holidays

I love to gather with friends and family over the holiday season. Our family is so large, it’s a party every time!

Having raised six kids, I know it’s easy to spend a lot of money. I want to share some things I’ve done for years that have helped me control expenses so I don’t break the bank.
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